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Rowing for all

Supervised sessions :
Saturdays 09:00-12:00 (mid-June to mid-September).
The rest of the year 14h00-16h00
Sunday 09h00-12h00

For 10- to 18-year-olds
Wednesday 14h00-16h00

Indoor fitness
The cardio-training and weight-training areas are open to members every day.

The lake
The lake is 16km long. The map is displayed in the hangar. On the shore there are kilometre markers every 500m. From the pontoon, keep to the bank. To return, follow the opposite bank.

Map of the lake PDF

Please follow the rules and regulations.
Rules and regulations PDF

Use of boats
Please follow the house rules.
House rules PDF

Damage report
If you notice any anomalies or damage to a boat, please notify the president of the association immediately by email. He will take the necessary action. Think of the other members! A good outing is made in a boat in perfect condition. A problem can always happen.